Write For Us
Would you like to share your advice or your lessons you have learned in life or business with readers of dailymotivationalrules? Well we are always looking for high quality, fresh content to share.
If you have great advice to share with our readers that will motivate them to succeed, then we are looking to feature you. Please have a browse through our website and have a look at the categories and articles that we cover.
Article Guidelines
- Please make sure your article is between 800-1200 words. We’re looking for clear and concise articles that deliver huge impact. So anything over 1500 words will not be reviewed.
- Please limit the formatting of your article when submitting. Plain text is preferred. Underline text, bold text, and italicized text isn’t needed. Our editors take care of the formatting of any article. We simply require you to submit the article with as little formatting as possible to make it easier in the editing and formatting process.
- Make your article interesting and easier to follow by including subheadings to break up your content. Single sentence lines are not what we are looking for. Make sure to submit your article in paragraph format. Short paragraphs make the article easier to read. If you need an example, have a look at any of our latest articles on our website and you will see how we like to format our content.
- Providing images with your content is not required. Our formatting team chooses what image we will use as the featured image of an article. So no need to spend time looking for an image for your article!
Ready to submit your article? Here’s how to go about it:
- Submit a completed final draft, with your author bio and email address you used to create a gravatar account in a Google Doc to dailymotivationalrules@gmail.com Kindly, make sure that Google Doc is shared with us in edit mode.
Thank you for taking the time to read our guidelines. We are grateful for your interest in wanting to have your content published on our website. We look forward to reviewing your content soon!
Team dailymotivationalrules
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