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Thursday, October 15, 2020

Meditate - You can't live without it- bringing mediation and every day life together

Meditate - You can't live without it- bringing mediation and every day life together

 Meditate - You can't live without it

Meditation is a process of training and transformation. For it to have meaning, it must be reflected in every aspect of your life, in all your actions and attitudes. If it is not, you have wasted your time. Therefore, you have to persevere with sincerity, vigilance, and determination. You need to make sure that over the course of time real changes are taking place in you. Though there is no denying that the goal of training the mind is to make us capable of maintaining a certain way of being in the midst of our activities, to say right from the beginning that your whole life and work have become a meditation is probably a bit premature. The hustle and bustle of daily life rarely provides an opening to experience the strength and stability necessary for meditative practice.

This is why it is important to devote time to meditation practice itself, even if it is only 30 minutes a day. Of course, if possible, more is better. Especially if you practice in the morning, meditation can give your day an entirely new “fragrance.” In a subtle but profound way, its effects can permeate your outlook and approach to the things you do as well as to your relations with the people around you. As you continue through the day, you can be strengthened by the experience you have had in your formal meditation session. You will be able to refer to it inwardly because it will remain alive in your mind. During pauses in your daily activity, it will be easy for you to revive the meditation experience, which is now familiar, and you will be able to maintain its beneficial effects.

Practicing meditation as described above is compatible with an active professional and family life. Meditation makes it possible to see the events of your life within a larger perspective. It allows you to experience them with greater serenity without falling into indifference, to accept whatever happens without a sense of resignation, and to envision the future with confidence and altruism. Thus, little by little, through training the mind, you can change your habitual way of being. You can develop a more accurate understanding of reality and a finer understanding of the laws of cause and effect, so you will be less affected by the reversals that inevitably occur in people’s lives, and less carried away by superficial successes. These are the signs of a genuine personal transformation, a transformation that will enable you to act more effectively in the world you live in and contribute to building a wiser, more altruistic, and kinder society.

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