Analysis |
Why Analysis most important factor for Success.
Analysis considers those factors that either help or obstruct
your Prize-dream. It looks at your gifts and talents, strengths
and weaknesses, and also at how you lead others and manage your resources.
Some of these factors are within your control, such as
the books you read or the friends you choose to spend time
with. But even when other factors — such as physical
disabilities — are beyond your control, you might still be
able to minimize their effects.
Analysis helps you discover the higher cause or inspiration that drives you forward. This is your passion. Thus,
through analysis, you discover a lifetime PASSION formula.
Analysis helps in decision making. When I decided in
Secondary 4 to drop Geography, it was the result of my
analysis. Although Geography was one of my favorite subjects, I saw that it required a lot of memorizing of facts,
which was not my strong point.
Often, people already have their minds made up, and if
their analysis tells them that they had made a poor decision,
they either ignore or play down the results of such analysis.
This is not entirely wrong. Just because your analysis tells
you that there will be problems ahead, it does not mean that
you should abandon your plans. All it means is that you have
to work harder, so that when the difficulties arise, you will
face them fully prepared.
A good analysis will not only reveal your strengths and
weaknesses, but also where they come from. Perhaps you
draw strength from exercise, eating healthy foods, visiting
the beach, sleeping early, or from prayer, meditation and
other spiritual practices. You feel good when you do such
things. Do you do them often enough?
When you analyse your weaknesses, you might also find
out if they can be overcome. If you are weak in languages or
at remembering facts and figures, is there anything you can
do to improve yourself?
What if you have a weakness that cannot be overcome?
Well, you can choose a life path where your weaknesses do
not matter. If you are extremely weak in your studies, are you doomed? Of course not! You can still be a sportsman, an
artist, a chef, even a businessman.
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